Database Cleanup


Database cleanup allows System Administrators to remove ALL records from a selected component or components. This is a very powerful function and you cannot reverse the deletion through the software. You should ONLY use this function when the database is first set up for testing.

For example some sites enter sample records for testing before 'go-live'. Once you have finished testing, clean the database of these test records so that you can add the real records.


  • The Fast Clean option is only available for the BMS Admin user, since the incorrect use of the function could lead to orphaned records.
  • The main advantage of a Fast Clean is the greatly reduced time for this process to complete. While a Full Database Cleanup can take several hours, you can expect that a Fast Cleanup will be finished within a few minutes.

During a Database Cleanup, the following happens:

  • If you perform a FULL Database Cleanup
    • Records from the selected component(s), and any related component, are deleted depending on the relationship type and behavior.
    • Any auto-numbers from the selected component are reset back to 1.
  • If you perform a Fast Clean
    • The system deletes the records from the selected component(s), but does not delete any referenced records.
    • Any auto-numbers from the selected component are reset back to 1.

To perform a "Full Clean" of the database

  1. In the Web Application, select Designer Menu path separator Configuration Management Menu path separator Clean Configuration
  2. Select the Component(s) to Clean
  3. Click Run


Be aware that this process can take several hours to complete, since the system will need to perform referential checks on each record which is being deleted.

To perform a "Fast Clean" of the database

  1. Repeat the steps 1. to 3. as outlined above
  2. Then tick Fast Clean
  3. Click Run

See Also

Database Management