Changes that require additional Steps in the Calendar Designer

Some changes within a Calendar Configuration will require that you update additional fields/pages before the changes become viable.





Calendar Colors

When you ADD a Color, you will have to:

  • Save the form Calendar Configuration
  • Open page Filter Definition
  • For each of the existing Components, define the corresponding Color Filter


Calendar Components

When you ADD a Component, you will have to:

  • Save the form Calendar Configuration
  • Open page Filter Definition
  • Define the Component Filter for the new Component
  • For each of the existing Colors, add the corresponding Color Filter for the new Component

List View Definition

Add new List View Columns

When you ADD a new Column, you will have to:

  • Tick (Re)create columns config for each component
  • Save the form Calendar Configuration
  • Open page List View Column Definition
  • Map the correct Component Field(s) to the newly added Column(s)


Remove List View Columns

When you want to REMOVE a Column, you will have to:

  • Tick the corresponding box under "Mark for deletion"
  • Tick (Re)create columns config for each component
  • Save the form Calendar Configuration


Change the Column Type

When you change the Column Type, you will have to:

  • Tick (Re)create columns config for each component
  • Save the form Calendar Configuration
  • Open page List View Column Definition
  • Map the correct Component Field(s) to the changed Column(s)

See Also

Modifying existing Calendar Views

Changes that do not require additional Steps in the Calendar Designer.