Field Mappings

This section is used to map information from the CSV file to the appropriate fields/relationships that are associated with the destination component.




Import Field

The identifier for the field on the CSV file.


  • CSV files, this is the column number. The first column in the file is always column 0.
  • imports via API, this is the field identifier in the returned payload.
    For example: $.incident_date

Destination Field

The field in SAI360, into which the value in the import will be stored.

The Field ID can be obtained from Component Management (Designer Menu path separator Component Management)

Example (based on the Action Form): Destination Field is bms_9999999_1696 for Action Category

For User imports, which cannot be obtained from the Field Picker the Destination Field values are as follows:

UserName, FullName, EmailAddress, Description, AlternativeUserID, ActiveAccountFlag, TemporaryDisabledFlag, Domains, LoginType, TimeZone, Dashboard, Locality


A checkbox to specify whether this field in the import is to be used to determine whether a new record is created, or an existing record is updated.

  • Box ticked: updates existing records.
  • Box un-ticked: adds new records.

Required Field

A checkbox to specify whether this is a required field in the import.



A checkbox to specify the contents of this field should not be displayed in the import logs.

For example, may be used for the password column in the import file.

Ignore Null Value

If a field is NOT marked as "Required" this checkbox allows nulls to be imported.


  • Box ticked: imports records containing nulls.
  • Box unticked: skips over and does not import the null values.

Note: This setting is ignored if the field is marked as "Required".

Use AutoNumber

Ticking this box will generate an Auto Number for the mapped field during the import


Create New Lookup Items

A checkbox to allow new lookup item values to be inserted as records are imported

  • Box ticked: imports new lookup items with imported records.
  • Box unticked: rejects records containing new lookup items

Default Value

Allows the Designer to specify a certain value in SAI360 for all records created/updated as part of this import (e.g. can be used to set the status of a record).

Can use the Unique Id or Item Id (if one exists).

For values such as 'status', the unique ID for these values will need to be obtained from the database.

Note: fills blank fields but does not overwrite existing values in import file

Date Format

For ‘Date’ fields in the source data, you can specify which format they are in.

If left blank, the system will assume the dates are in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format.

For example, if you source data has dates like ‘20230101174008’, you can specify the format as ‘yyyyMMddHHmmss’

Value Mapping

Generally used when importing YN fields ( and Status


Import csv for 'Close this Record' field is Yes

  • From Value = Yes
  • To Value = 1

Menu path separator Checkbox will be ticked

Import csv for 'Close this Record' field is Yes

  • From Value = No
  • To Value = 1

Menu path separator Checkbox will be un-ticked


See Also


Related Field Mappings