Supported OData Operations

Following is a list of the supported OData functions which are currently supported by the Reporting API.

At the current point in time, it is only a subset of the full OData functionality. It will also depend on the reporting tool which of these, and how they can be used.

Basic Operations

All the following examples assume that the base URL for the Reporting API is: https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata

Supported Basic Operations

For the Task of ...

Use the following REST call (URL)

Returning a complete list of all reporting tables and views in your warehouse.

The following call will return a list of all reporting views/tables in your warehouse:


This is also the call used when using the Reporting API with Microsoft Power BI.

Returning all records, and all fields from a table

To return a complete list of records in a particular table use the following:


For example:


API Schema (Metadata)

The Report API is an OData API. OData APIs are self-describing, which means they expose metadata (all available entity sets, singletons, relationships, entity types, and operations) through the API itself.

An OData metadata document is a representation of the data model that describes the data and operations exposed by the API, and can be retrieved by appending $metadata to the base API URL.

e.g. https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata/$metadata

There is no hard-copy API schema documentation, due to the fact that the API is self-describing, but also due to the fact the schema is dynamic and can change moment-to-moment due to configuration changes.

Advanced Operations

The Reporting API is supporting the following advanced features in OData
All these calls are based on the call which does return records from the warehouse.

Supported Operations

For the Task of ...

Use the following REST call (URL)

Only returning certain fields

To only return a $select list of columns,add the following to the base call:




Ordering the records

Without using the $order option, the Reporting API will order the records by the DWI key, ascending.

To order records on a different column, add the following to the base call:

...?$orderby=<column_name> [desc]

By default, ordering will be done ascending.



https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata/action?$orderby=action_source desc

Skipping the first x records

If you need to $skip a number of records, use:


For example, to skip the first 500 records:



Only returning the top x number of records

$Top is opposite of $skip, as it will only return the Top x number of records:





Filtering records - general

Users can use the OData $filter parameter to filter data. The supported operators are:

  • eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le
  • and, or, not
  • grouping()

The generic format is as follows:

...?$filter=<column_name> <operator> <value>


https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata/incident?$filter=potential_severity eq 'Major'

https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/OData/incident?$filter=potential_severity eq 'Major' or potential_severity eq 'Severe'

The filter operator does not support operations on expanded, complex properties.

Filtering records - Date and Time Fields

To filter on Date, Time, and DateTime (e.g. bms_LastModified), OData prescribes a particular format to represent these fields.

Here are some examples:

  • Date Fields:
    ...?$filter=date(entered_date) lt 2018-07-01
  • Time Fields:
    ...?$filter=entered_time lt 13:00:00
  • DateTime Field (for example bms_LastModified):
    ...?$filter=bms_LastModified gt 2018-11-30T18:00:00.00Z

Filtering records - using arithmetic operators

The Reporting API is supporting the following arithmetic operators on numeric fields for filtering records:

  • add: for adding the left and right numeric operand
  • sub: will subtract the right operand from the left operand
  • mul: will multiply the left and right operand
  • div: divides the left operand by the right operand
  • mod (modulo)

The format is:

...?$filter=<column_name_left> <ar_op> <column_name_right> <op> <value>

This example will return all records where the ratio of contaminants recovered to contaminants released is less than 90%:

https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata/incident_consequence_environmental?$filter=contaminants_volume_recovered div contaminants_volume_released lt 0.9

Searching for a string within the returned payload.

The $search parameter allows user to find records where a string, or strings, can be found anywhere within the JSON construct/payload:


There are a variety of options:

  • Search for an exact phrase:
    ...?$search="Exact String"
  • Search for records which contain ALL of two or more words, anywhere in the payload:
    - Option 1: ...?$search=this that (Note: no quotes)
    - Option 2: ...?$search=this AND that (Note: AND must be in uppercase)
  • Search for records which contain ANY of two or more words, anywhere in the payload:
    ...?$search=this OR that (Note: OR must be in uppercase)
  • Search also supports the user of parentheses, for example:
    ...$search=(this AND that) OR "the other"
  • Search for records which do NOT have an expression, or string anywhere in the payload:
    ...?$search=NOT "fire extinguisher"


Expanding the response to include related entities

The $expand operation will include a related entity inline in the response:


Please note the keyword "Navigation" - this is required for the expand to function.



  • Expand only currently supports one level deep.
  • You only can expand on one relationship per call
  • Cannot use the nested operators within the $expand operator, such as a $filter or $select

Selecting a single record by ID.

NOTE that the ID's are the dwi_ or dwk_ keys from the data warehouse.

The syntax for retrieving a record by ID will depend on the way these records are identified in a table.

Records are identified by their dwi_ key

This will be true for the vast majority of cases. To retrieve a single record by it's ID, simple add the ID in brackets - for example to retrieve the Incident record with the dwi_ key of 297:


Records are identified by multiple dwk_ keys

The OData stream also includes entities which only can be identified by dwk_ keys, for example JOIN tables. Here is an example:



Counting the number of records which are returned

Option 1:

The $count parameter can be used to add a line, reporting the number of records, to the payload:


Note that $count will take any $filter into consideration, but will ignore $skip and $top.


https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata/incident?$filter=actual_severity eq 'Not Applicable' &$count=true

Count will return an extra line in the JSON construct: "@OData.count": <count>

Option 2:

To return just the number of records in a table/view, and no other data, use the $count parameter as follows:


Combining several parameters in a single call

With OData you can combine several types of parameters, using the &:



https://<Server_Name>/ReportingAPI/odata/action?$filter=priority eq 'Urgent' &$orderby=action_source &$count=true

In This Section

Unsupported OData Operations

See Also

Reporting API

Introduction to the Reporting API

Supported OData Functions