Typographic Conventions



Note: Take particular note of this information - it may be of special interest, contain related information, or provide information that doesn't fit well into the flow of the text or that only applies to special cases.




Warning: Take care when performing this operation or procedure. If you don't follow the information correctly, it may result in damage to people, goods, or data; or, the information may be complex or only certain personnel can carry it out.




Caution or significant Note: please make sure to carefully read the information, or follow the instructions highlighted by an exclamation mark. For example, some choices may have performance issues.




Hint or Tip: Information that can make you more efficient or save you time. It may contain ideas for shortcuts or other ways of performing tasks, or discuss techniques that are not immediately obvious.




Prerequisite: You must do these steps or have set up the system as indicated in this box before you can complete the steps in the procedure.



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See Also

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