Duplicate a Filter



You can only perform this function if you have the following Role applied to your User identity: Policy Role - Build User Filters

Sometimes it is easier to duplicate an existing filter and change its criteria, rather than building a new one from scratch. You can then save the amended filter under a different name.

To duplicate a filter

  1. From the Navigator window, or using Select Existing, select a filter that closely matches the one you want to design, and click on it. The filter criteria displays in the Filter Tree section.
  2. Click Duplicate. The filter duplicates, and the filter name is changed to <ad hoc filter>.
  3. Select a filter criteria (it will change to orange) and click Edit. This populates the Criteria section's fields with the details of that criteria.
  4. Make changes as required and click Update when finished. This updates the Filter Tree.
  5. If you want to name and save your filter, Double-click on the <ad hoc filter> name and name your new filter, then click Save & Apply to save your changes.
  6. If you just want to apply your filter, click Apply Ad Hoc.

See Also

Edit a Filter

Remove Filter Criteria

Edit Filter Criteria

Delete a Filter