Edit a Filter



You can only perform this function if you have the following Role applied to your User identity: Policy Role - Build User Filters

To edit a filter

  1. From a List View, click on the Filter part of the Filter button. This opens the Filter Designer.
  2. Click Select Existing and select a filter you want to edit and click OK. The selected filter displays.
  3. In the Filter Tree section, <dc> on a filter criteria, or highlight it and click Edit . The selected criteria changes color to orange and the fields in the Criteria section are populated with the filter's details.
  4. Make changes to the selected filter criteria as required. When finished, click Update. The changes are applied to the criteria in the Filter Tree section.
  5. In the Filter Tree section, <dc> in the filter name and change it, if necessary.
  6. Click Save & Apply to save and apply, or Apply Ad Hoc to just apply, the updated filter.

To remove filter criteria

  1. From a List View, click on the Filter part of the Filter button. This opens the Filter Designer.
  2. Click Select Existing and select a filter you want to edit and click OK. The selected filter displays.
  3. In the Filter Tree section of the Filter Designer, select the filter criteria you wish to delete by selecting it. The filter criteria highlights in orange.
  4. Click Remove. The filter criteria disappears, along with the logical operator immediately below it.

In This Section

Remove Filter Criteria

Edit Filter Criteria

Duplicate a Filter

Delete a Filter

See Also

Filter a View

Filter Designer

Screen Layout

Create a Filter

Default Filter

Filter Field/Relationship Types, Operators and Value Types