Filter a View



This section applies for Advanced Filters and Views.

The Advanced Filtering functionality in the web application allows Business Users to apply filters to the currently displayed List View. You can design filters by yourself (User Defined Filter), use other users' filters, or you can use filters designed by an Administrator (Optional Filters).

The table below describes some specific terms that are used in this guide in relation to the Advanced Filtering functionality:




A set of criteria used to reduce a list of data to a required subset, for example Date > '18/10/2020' AND Location = 'Warehouse'

Mandatory Filter

A filter, designed and applied by an Administrator via the Admin menu, which cannot be toggled on/off by the Business User viewing the data.

Optional Filter

A filter, designed and applied by an Administrator via the Admin menu, which a Business User can toggle on/off.

User Defined Filter

A filter that has been designed by a Business User.

Ad hoc Filter

A filter that has been designed by a Business User but has not been saved. This type of filter can be applied to the List View but, when you close the Business Process, or when your session times out, is lost.

Filter Criteria

The term used to describe a single line of a filter statement, which defines a required subset of data.

In this help guide, we use the word 'Criteria' in both the singular and plural context.

Filter Tree

A composition of multiple filter criteria connected by logical AND and OR operators in a hierarchical structure.

Field Picker

A tool used to make it easy to select fields and relationships, when building a filter.

Root Component

The main component on which a Business Process is based, for example, the Actions component is the Root component for the Actions Business Process.

Filtering allows you to control the records you see in any List View for any Business Process. You can also define the fields of the records you see, by creating a custom List View to show your preferred fields or relationships.

You design new filters by using the Filter Designer, a tool that helps you to easily build filters by selecting fields, operators and values from dynamically configured lists. The fields and relationships can be from the Root component and any related component and the path to the selected field/relationship is displayed as you select it.



You can only perform these functions if you have the following Roles applied to your User identity: Build User Filters

In This Section

Filter Designer

Screen Layout

Create a Filter

Default Filter

Edit a Filter

Filter Field/Relationship Types, Operators and Value Types