Manage User Filters

With the introduction of the Advanced Filtering functionality, Business Users can now create and use their own filters (user filters), enabling them to filter their List Views according to their own needs. Administrators can have access to all user filters, allowing them to change details, such as the Name, the Owner, the filter value XML statement, and any parameters.



You can only perform this function if you have the following Roles applied to your User identity:

  • Build User Filters
  • List View Edit
  • Filter and View Admin

To edit a user filter

  1. From the menu, select Admin Menu path separator User Defined Filters and Views Menu path separator User Filters. This opens the User Filters tab showing a List View of all the user filters.
  2. Double-click on a filter, or select the filter and click Edit, to open the User Filters form.
  3. In the Filter Details section, the only fields you can change are:
    • Name: Enter a short but meaningful name for this filter.
    • Owner: Although this is set by default when the filter is created, you can change this. Select the person to be the new owner of this filter, then click OK
  4. In the Filter Value section, make changes as required, to any of the following fields:
    • Name: Enter a short but meaningful name for this filter.
    • Value: Enter the filter criteria for this filter, using the Condition Builder.
  5. In the Parameters section, open an existing parameter (to edit), or Add a New Parameter.
  6. Click Save when finished and close the tab. The changes will take immediate effect.

In This Section

Parameters Section

See Also

User Defined Filters and Views

User List Views