Parameters Section

The Parameters section of the User Filters form is an embedded form that allows you to add new, edit or delete parameters, as well as add, edit, or delete role defaults through the Role Defaults embedded form.

Role Defaults allow Administrators to determine specific default values for selected Roles, for example, a certain default Start Date parameter for Managers and a different default Start Date for Supervisors.

To add a new parameter (optional)

  1. If filter parameters are required, click the Add New Parameters link in the Parameters section.

    Filter parameters are similar to report parameters, and may include such things as a start and end date, location or department, and the like.

  2. Complete these fields in the Parameter Value Definition section:
    • Name: Enter a name for this parameter with no spaces. Note: Only letters, numbers, and underscores are acceptable characters for this field.
    • Label: Enter the text for this parameter; this text displays to the user.
    • User Access: Select an option from Modifiable (user can view and change), Read Only (user can view but not change), or Hidden (user cannot view or change).
    • Mandatory: Select this checkbox to make this parameter required.
  3. Field Type: Select a field from the list, then click OK. In the Parameters embedded form, click on the Add New Parameters link. This opens the User Filter Value Definition form.
  4. Complete the relevant fields, and the Role Defaults embedded form (if necessary), then click Save.
    • Defaulting Component Lookups: if you intend to apply a default value to a Component Lookup, then you will have to enter the "Unique Id" of the relevant record as the default.

To add new Role defaults (optional)

  1. In the Role Defaults section, click the Add New Role Defaults link.
  2. Complete these fields in the Role Defaults section:
    • Roles: Select one or more roles, then click OK.
    • Value: Enter a default value for the selected roles.
  3. Click Save.

Note: Changes are not visible to the user until they are published. If you have only changed an existing component filter, you do not need to republish - just restart the web server and the system will apply the changes.

See Also

Manage User Filters