Spell Checking - Custom Dictionaries

Clients are able to maintain their own 'custom' dictionaries. There are two types of custom dictionaries:

  • Global Custom Dictionaries: applies to all users within the organization.
  • User Custom Dictionaries: each user will have their own Custom Dictionary.

These Custom Dictionaries are text files, containing all client specific words/terms that are not included in the standard dictionaries.

Global Custom Dictionaries

One Global Custom Dictionary is maintained per language used by a client. The dictionary will be automatically named with an underscore, followed by the Language Code for that language.

e.g. _en.txt (for English), _fr.txt (for French)

The purpose of using the underscore is to ensure that Global Custom Dictionaries are displayed at the top of the list of dictionaries in the Tomcat folder.

The list of words/terms which need to be stored in a Global Custom Dictionary must be manually maintained directly into that file.

An empty Global Custom Dictionary is created automatically the first time the Spell Checker is used, if one does not already exist.

User Custom Dictionaries

Each user can create their own User Custom Dictionary. When they are in the process of spell checking a form, they will be able to add a new word/term to their own User Custom Dictionary.

Unlike the Global Custom Dictionary, User Custom Dictionaries

  • will be updated automatically.
  • will only be applied for each individual user.

User custom dictionaries will be named using <username>.txt. If a User Custom Dictionary does not exist for a particular user, it will automatically be created the first time they use the spell checker.

Location of Custom Dictionaries

All custom dictionaries are stored in the following folder:



Depending on the selection made in "Spell Checker Settings" tab within the Global Settings, the content of Global, or User Custom Dictionaries will/will not be included in the Suggestions field within the Spell Checker.

See Also

Spell Checking

Spell Checking - Language Dictionaries