Designing Tree Views (Hierarchical Views)

What are Tree Views used for?

The main uses for Tree Views are:

  • Listing of hierarchical records, where records are organized and grouped in hierarchies. This allows users to "drill down" to identify and select the required record.
  • But they are also used in "Component Lookups", which are needed to allow users to select related records from within a Business Process.
    The most common examples for Tree Views are
    • Department (e.g. "Which Department is responsible?")
    • Location (e.g. "Which Location is being Audited?")

What is required to define a Tree View?

Before defining a Tree View, you will need to decide:

  • Which field is the best to identify the record. Since Tree Views can only show ONE field, you will need to select the field which makes sense to all users?
  • You will need to know which Relationship is used to describe the "Parent-Child" relationship.
  • What kind of filter, if any, needs to be applied to the List View? Examples could be:
    • Active Departments
    • "My" Location, and all Locations below it
  • Who has access to this Tree View?


While it is highly recommended to gather all the required information before you start with configuration, it is NOT mandatory.

In This Section

To access the Tree View Designer

Tree View Designer