Publishing - Making Design Changes available to the End Users


  • Be careful when deciding when to publish. ALL changes made by ALL System Administrators are published, whether they are completed or not. If any change is part way through when you publish, that workflow will be published, even though it is incomplete.
  • We recommend that all users are logged out of the system when publishing.

Whenever a Configuration change is made through any of the Design Tools, for example

  • Adding or modifying a Form
  • Changing a View
  • Making changes to the Menu Structures

it is necessary to publish these changes.

This extra step of Publishing is necessary to allow Designers/System Administrators to finish their changes before they are being made generally available.

After the publish is complete, it will always be necessary to

  • restart the Tomcat Web Server
  • closing and opening of all Browser Windows connected to SAI360

Please refer to the Publish Section for more information.

Some changes are available immediately

The following changes apply as soon as they are saved; publishing is NOT required for any of these:

  • Add or update data in records (done by the user in the web application)
  • Change password (done by user in the web application)
  • Change profile settings (done by the user in the web application)
  • Change preferences (done by the user in the web application)
  • Changes to role permissions (done by the System Administrator in the web application)

See Also
