Internationalization - Overview

What is Internationalization ?

Internationalization is necessary for SAI360 clients who deploy the SAI360 web application in multiple languages, and differing regional settings (e.g. date formats).

This allows users to interact with SAI360 in their preferred written language, date and time formats.

What is included in the internationalization of the Web Application?

All of the following aspects of the web application can be translated, or adapted to the user's location:

  • The Menu Structure which is accessible for the End Users
  • Button Labels
  • Messages which are displayed by the system
  • Forms (for example the Action Form or the Incident Form):
    • All Field Labels
    • Lookup items (e.g. "Action Priority")
    • Validation messages
    • Tool Tips
    • Date Picker will display calendar in correct language and date format
  • List Views
    • Column Headers
    • Dates will be shown in the format of the user's locality
    • Lookup items
    • Parameters which may be used to filter a Lookup
  • Dashboards
    • All Names and Labels contained on a Dashboard
  • Calendar
    • Column Headers
    • Dates will be shown in the format of the user's locality
    • Lookup items
    • Color Legend
  • Questionnaires
    • Questionnaire Name
    • Sections
    • Questions
    • Lookup answer values
    • Result
    • Information text
  • Walkthroughs
    • Name
    • Details
    • Tasks
    • Steps

What is NOT included?

The following items and objects are NOT part of the internationalization:

  • All Administrator and Designer Menu items, and Forms accessed through these Menus
  • Advanced Filter Designer and advanced View Designer
  • Field Labels and Content in Emails

See Also

Internationalization of the SAI360 Web Application

The Internationalization Process