The Internationalization Process

the internationalization process requires multiple steps, as outlined below:

  • Add the required Languages and Localities (which determines the time zones) to the web application.
  • Run an Export. This process will create an MS Excel file with all the items necessary for translation.
  • Have the files translated.
    This is a manual process, which is performed outside of the application.
  • Run an Import, which loads the translation into the application.
  • Publish the changes.
  • Link users to their corresponding Locality.

In This Section

Adding a new Language

Adding a Locality to your System

Exporting Languages into Excel for Translation

The Language Files, and the Translation Process

Importing Languages into the Database

Translating Forms

Translating Questionnaire Templates

Translating Walkthrough Templates

Internationalized Users

See Also

Internationalization of the Application

Internationalization - Overview