Importing Languages into the Database

Once the translation is complete, you will

  • need to import the language files into the database.
  • ask internationalized users to log out, and log back in again.
  • No publish is required.

The Import Process

Follow these steps.

  • From the menu, select Designer Menu path separator Languages Menu path separator Import Localisation
  • Select the Import Language for the file you are about to import. Only languages created in Maintain Languages will be available.
  • Drag and drop the corresponding XLS file onto the Import File field.
    exclamation_mark_xtra_small You need to make sure that the file you select matches the Import Language.
  • Click Run.
  • No publish required, but users have to log out and back into the web application for the translations to load.

See Also

The Internationalization Process

Adding a new Language

Adding a Locality to your System

Exporting Languages into Excel for Translation

The Language Files, and the Translation Process

Translating Forms

Translating Questionnaire Templates

Translating Walkthrough Templates

Internationalized Users