Adding a Locality to your System



To apply locality specific formatting to Date and Decimal Fields, it is required to add the corresponding Language before creating the Locality.

Step 2 - add a Locality. A Locality is associated with a Language, and user’s Locality will determine which language the system is displayed in, as well as date and number formats

  • Log into the Web Application as a user who has the policy of Maintain All Localities
  • From the menu, select Admin Menu path separator Localities Menu path separator All Localities
  • Create a New Locality, and define the following:
    • Name: this usually is either a Country or, in a Country has several Time Zones, an individual State
    • Language: it is important that you ONLY select either:
      • English (any variation)
      • Any of the Languages added through Maintain Languages in the previous step
    • Time Zone: select the correct time zone. This will influence the Date and Time for defaulted Fields, so that NOW will be the LOCAL time of the users
  • Save your changes, this will update other fields on this form
  • Perform a Publish, and restart Tomcat

See Also

The Internationalization Process

Adding a new Language

Exporting Languages into Excel for Translation

The Language Files, and the Translation Process

Importing Languages into the Database

Translating Forms

Translating Questionnaire Templates

Translating Walkthrough Templates

Internationalized Users