Adding a new Language



Each additional language comes with an added overhead for maintenance.

Languages can be set for country specific, or generic. For example, Dutch is offered in these variations:

  • Dutch (Belgium)
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • Dutch

The system will always use the country-specific translation if possible, but will always fall back to the generic "base" language if there is no translation for a user’s country-specific locality.

Step 1, add the required language(s).

  • Log into the web application as an Admin User
  • From the menu, select Designer Menu path separator Languages Menu path separator Maintain Languages
  • Select New
  • Search for the required Language, and save
  • Repeat the above steps until you have added all the required languages
  • As a next step, you must add Localities, as outlined below



To apply locality specific formatting to Date and Decimal Fields, it is required to add the corresponding Language before creating the Locality.

See Also

The Internationalization Process

Adding a Locality to your System

Exporting Languages into Excel for Translation

The Language Files, and the Translation Process

Importing Languages into the Database

Translating Forms

Translating Questionnaire Templates

Translating Walkthrough Templates

Internationalized Users