Filtering and Finding Action Groups

To Filter Action Groups

To make it easier to find a particular Action Groups, you can filter all existing Action Groups within a Form to only show Groups which involve a particular Field:

  • From the input field "Search for field" on the left hand side, select the field of interest.
  • The system will list, and highlight, all those action groups where the select field is either:
    • the field used to trigger the actions in this group
    • used in the condition which needs to be met to runt the actions
  • Clicking on the required Action Group in the result list will take the user the corresponding entry.

    Action Designer - Search for field

To Find Action Groups

You can find an action group by using the browser's "Ctrl+F" search functionality.
This search will scan through the names of the action groups for a form.


Applying unique, and "telling" names to action groups will assist in finding the correct group.

See Also

Form Actions

How to define Form Actions

Creating Action Group, and the individual Actions

Email Actions: When you need to send Emails from SAI360

System Notifications: sending 'pop-up' messages to users of Roam and the Web Application

Rest Callouts: interacting with external Systems via REST Calls

Set Value Actions: When the System needs to copy or manipulate Field Values in the Web Application

Analytics Rules