Detail View

Advanced Users have the ability to choose "Detail View" which displays the Emission Results and Calculations which are hidden to the "Basic User". Users can click on Detail View button to enable/disable this view.



A "tick" mark appears in the Detail View button when this mode is turned on.

In the Enter New Data screen, the system displays the values for Emission Factors and other attributes as defined in the Material Inventory and Emission Sources pages.

Advanced User Enter New Data

If for some reason, the Emission Factors were not setup for a specific location or the Calculations refer to a Material Attribute that do not have an Emission Factor. the system displays an error message to the users.

Advanced User Enter New Data Warning

In the View Existing Data screen, the Advanced Users have the ability to view the Calculated Emission Results

Advanced User View Existing Data

Should there be Incomplete Results, the system will display error messages to indicate the reason which will enable to user to investigate the issue and fix any information gap. Click here to for more information on Incomplete Results.

See Also

Emissions Data Entry - Advanced User

View Incomplete Results

Emission Results

Importing Emissions Input Data