Dashboard Menu and Groups

Items within the 'Dashboard' menu can be grouped to facilitate navigation.

  • Create a Dashboard Group by navigating to Designer Menu path separator Dashboards Menu path separator Dashboard Menu and Groups.
  • Add a descriptive Group Name
  • Select the Dashboards which should be part of this Group (a Dashboard can be part of multiple Groups)
  • Save changes and run a Publish.
  • Restart Tomcat.

Dashboard Groups will be displayed in alphabetical order amongst Dashboards which have not been added to a Group.

Pentaho dashboards (CTools and Analyzer) can be added to folders with the same name as those created within the Web Application.

  • Navigate to User Console Menu path separator Dashboards
  • Create folders within the Dashboards folder and use the same names as created in the Web Application in Dashboard Menu and Groups
  • Move the Pentaho dashboards to the folders.
  • Where possible they will be merged into existing folders in the Web Application.



If existing dashboards are moved into new folders, it is important to note:

  • Links on dashboards will need to be re-configured if the target dashboard has moved.
  • It is common for CTools dashboards to refer to external files (like CSS and JS) stored in the repository by a relative path - if a CTools dashboard is moved into a new folder, the relative path may be broken and may need to be reconfigured.
  • Do not use special characters such as '&' in menu group names.

See Also

The Dashboard

Dashboard overview

How to Build a new Dashboard

Assigning Home Pages