Retrieving Information from SAI360 using BI Reports

The Information which is contained within SAI360 can be aggregated by using BI Reports, which Users can view using the Web Application.

I want to run a Report

BI Reports can be run via the web application.

View BI Reports

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Accessing a BI Report via the SAI360 Menu

All BI Reports are contained within a Group, and you will need to navigate to the Group which contains your Report.

  • Start by selecting "BI Reports", and then follow the path which will take you to the required Report.

    The menu structure is only an example. Since each client can define their own Reports and Report Structure, the content of your menu may be different to the one shown above.
  • Once you have accessed the Report, you may have to enter some Parameters to filter the results.

Accessing a BI Report via a Dashboard (this includes the Home Page)

Some, usually frequently used BI Reports, may be accessible directly from the Home Page, or a Dashboard.

  • Simply click on the link.
  • Once you have accessed the BI Report, you may have to enter some Parameters.

Having the BI Report presented on my screen

Click on View

Directly accessing a Report via "Smart URL"

Reports can be directly accessed from outside of SAI360 by using the "Smart URL" functionality, for example:


These URL can be contained in an email, or they also can be used as Bookmarks in your Browser.

See Also

Visualizing Information

Visualizations from List Views

Word Cloud Visualizations