System Administrator Role


  • The system administrator role cannot be deleted.
  • System Administrator permissions can only be updated by SAI360 Professional Services; role assignments can only be updated by the system administrator role and by SAI360 Professional Services. system administrator permissions are 'read only' to all other roles with that policy.
  • If a policy is revoked from the system administrator role then it is also revoked from all roles lower in the hierarchy; that is, Application Administrator and other user-created roles. (Note: A policy revoked from the Application Administrator role does not cause any other role to have that policy revoked.)

Initially, the System Administrator role will have the following permissions and policies assigned to them; these can be revoked:


  • Read, add, update, delete permissions on all objects (components, fields, reports, relationships, lookups, graphs, etc.)


  • All Admin menu policies
  • Import / export report and graph design templates
  • Maintain edit permissions for ALL reports and graphs

See Also

Maintain an Administrative Role