Personalize with User Profile

You can personalize your working environment in the web application by setting the values for your user profile. Your settings are stored in the database. This means that when you go to certain pages, some data is already entered for you. Your user profile identifies you and prepares tailored web pages for you.

User profiles save time in both data entry and in selecting from lists. Some data (such as your name or department) is already filled in for you, and, depending on your system's configuration, you may only be able to select from data that applies to you.

For example your profile may require your name or the department where you work. Once entered, every time you open a page that needs this information, it will be filled in automatically. This saves you time and prevents typing errors.


  • You may already have some settings assigned that you cannot change; some you can change any time; and for others, you can either enter your own details or apply the default setting for your role.
  • When you first open the web application, you are asked to configure your mandatory personal settings. If you don't do so, you are asked to enter them when you try to open a workspace that needs them.

In This Section

Change your Profile

See Also

Personalize your Environment

Personalize with User Preferences

Personalize with Shortcuts