Personalize with User Preferences
The actions you are able to perform, or the things you can see in the web application, depend on the security permissions assigned to you, so you may not see some records, or be able to perform some functions.
If a function is 'grayed out' (or 'ghosted'), you may not have permission to use it, OR you may have to do something else first, before it becomes active.
Set your Locality and Time Zone preferences by entering the values in this tab. The values set here are used to set date and time stamps on records entered into the system.
The Locality setting determines:
- The language used in the web application.
This requires that the database has been translated. - The format in which the dates, times and numbers are displayed.
- The default Time Zone for the locality you have selected.
All the Time Zone setting does is allow you to change (override) the Time Zone value set by the Locality.
As an example, you could be in Lithuania, but still need to use the English language screens. In this case you would set the Locality as, say, Australia (Western Australia), which would set the default date format s dd/MMM/yyyy and the time zone as (GMT + 08:00) Australia/West. You could then set the Time Zone for (GMT + 02:00) Europe/Vilnius.
The Default Home Page preference will determine which Dashboard is to be shown when you start the Web Application. This selection will override all other means by which a Home Page can be determined.
To configure or change your preferences
- From the user icon on the top right corner, select My Preferences.
- Select a value for each setting that you want to change in the User Preferences workspace. The settings are:
- Locality: The purpose of Locality is to set local (independent of the server) date formats and to identify the language in multilingual installations.
Select your geographic location from the Locality selection list, then click OK .
If you do not set a locality, the system default applies (system administrators set up this default).
- Time zone: select a time zone from the list.
If you do not select a time zone, the one for your selected locality will apply.
- User Dashboard: select one or several Dashboards from the list
If you do not select a preferred Home Page, the Web Application will apply either:
- a Home Page, determined from one of your Profile Values
- or the Default Home Page
- Click Save.
Your changes apply after you refresh the browser window (press F5), or after you log out and then log back in.
Click Close.