Import of Lookups

Configuring a lookup import involves defining what needs to be imported, where it needs to go and how frequently this needs to occur. The following sections describe the process in detail.



You must have the Policy: Maintain Events/Imports/System Settings assigned to your Role to:

  • configure imports
  • manually initiate imports

To configure a Lookup Import

  1. From the menu, select Designer Menu path separator Configuration Management Menu path separator Lookup Import.
  2. Click New. A new Lookup Import Configuration record opens.
  3. Complete the fields according to the descriptions in the table.




Import Name

The name of the import.

Should be unique. This is necessary if you wish to initiate an import manually.

Note: may not contain colons (:)


Name of the lookup the items shall be imported.


Import Time

The start time at which the import will start.

Format hh:mm (24hr). If an Import Time is specified, then the import will run at this time every day, seven (7) days a week.

Polling Interval (mins)

Determines the intervals (in minutes) at which the import will start.

If this field is populated the 'Import Time' should be left blank. This setting can be used if the required frequency of the import is greater, or less than, once every 24 hours.

Type of Import

CSV File

Select CSV File for User, Attachment or Lookup imports.

Import to run on completion

Any import selected here will be run directly after the current import has completed successfully.

This feature allows users to 'chain' two or more imports, which need to run in a particular sequence, for example 'Persons' and 'Users'.

Note: if one of the imports in a chain fails, any subsequent imports will not be run.

'Chained' imports can only be run from the server and not from a local file (i.e. 'select file now').

  1. When you have completed this section, click Save.
  2. Complete the relevant import file (CSV).
  3. Click Save. The import can now be run at the scheduled times.

To perform a Lookup Import

Following is a step-by-step Instruction for importing Lookups through the Web Application:

  1. From the menu, select Designer Menu path separator Imports Menu path separator Lookup Import Configuration.
  2. Create a new import.
  3. Type of import is CSV, and select the lookup to which you want to add the lookup items.
  4. Save the settings.
  5. You will get a CSV file section open up, where you need to define the directory location where you will place the import file.
    Note: the Tomcat account must have access to this folder.
  6. Trigger the import via Admin Menu path separator Import Trigger.
  7. At this stage, nothing will be imported, but new folders will be created as defined in the above step.
  8. Move the CSV to the "...\importfiles" folder.
    Note: all CSV files in this folder will be imported into the lookup, so make sure it's only the one you want to import.
  9. Trigger the import again via Admin Menu path separator Import Trigger.
  10. The lookups will now import.
  11. No publish is required, the new lookup items will appear in the Web Application within 30 seconds.