Any changes made in Component Management, Forms and List views, Dashboard Designer will always require a Publish and Tomcat restart.
The below information outlines other editable areas of the Admin and Designer menu and when publishes are required.
Menu Item
Audit Log
Audit Log Admin
Tomcat restart
Global Settings
Any change
Requires a publish and tomcat restart except for the below
Publish and Tomcat restart
HTML Library
HTML Source
Adding the HTML to any dashboard or form required a publish and tomcat restart.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Updating the contents of an existing HTML Source.
Import Trigger
Imported Data will be available immediately after import has finished.
Newly created imports (configured through the Designer Menu) can be selected immediately.
Immediately available
Default Locality
Changing the default Locality will change the Locality for all users who currently do not have one set.
Tomcat restart
All Localities
Add - Adding a locality will be effective immediately after saving for selection in other parts of the system.
Immediately available
Adding a new locality with a newly added Language. To import translations for that language the system requires a Publish and Tomcat restart.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Edit - Once a locality has been updated and saved it is applied to users (with that locality) after they log out and log back in again.
Next login
Procedural Walkthroughs
Walkthrough Templates
Templates will be available immediately for selection once they are enabled.
Roam will require a Forms and Data download.
Immediately available
Questionnaire Templates
Templates will be available immediately for selection once they are enabled.
Roam will require a Forms and Data download
Immediately available
System Files
Add - New System File will be available immediately after saving for selection in the form designer (adding the System File widget to a form requires a Publish and Restart.
Immediately available
Web Application - Updating an image
Roam - Updating an image
Re-save the Roam form. Publish and Tomcat restart
Security Roles
Add - New security roles can be used immediately in any of the Web Application Admin functions.
Immediately available
Edit - Changing security roles will take effect after security has been reloaded by the system. This happens as a background task and takes a couple of minutes after saving changes.
Any user that has a role which is updated will see the effects on their next login.
Next login
Security Users
Add - New user can log in immediately after being created.
Edit - After updating and saving changes the security is reloaded by the system. This happens as a background task and takes a couple of minutes. The user needs to log out and log back in again.
Next login
Terms of Use
Terms of Use Admin
Selecting or changing the HTML selection for the Terms of Use requires a Publish and Restart.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Pentaho ETL
Clearing the 'TL Process Locked' will immediately enable the ETL to be triggered.
Immediately available
Rebuild Rollup Tables
Selecting the Component and clicking Run.
Immediately available
User Defined Filters/Views
User Defined Filters
Can only edit or delete.
Immediate/Browser refresh
User Defined Views
Can only edit or delete.
Immediate/Browser refresh
User Favorites
Any changes will take immediate effect.
Immediate/Browser refresh
Visualization Admin
Creating and Adding a Visualization to a dashboard requires a Publish and Tomcat restart.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Updating existing Visualization
Menu Item
Fields and relationships in Component Management require a publish and Tomcat restart for the javadocs to up updated.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Rules Builder
Once a rule is enabled it will immediately start working.
Artificial Intelligence
General Context
Information setting the context with the AI engine. It will preface all subsequent Suggestion Prompts
Publish and Tomcat restart
Suggestion Prompts
Creating and updating prompts
Publish and Tomcat restart
Component Management
Any additions, modifications or deletions made in Component Management will be immediately available for all the Design Tools.
Configuration Management
BI Components
Adds/removes components from BI.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Clean Components
Deletes data from components immediately.
Rest API Components
Adds/removes components from the Rest API.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Note: Constants are used in other configuration functions, such as Filters.
Calendar Config
Creating or updating a Calendar.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Dashboard Designer
Creating or updating a Dashboard.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Dashboard Maps
Creating new Dashboard Map and embedding it in another dashboard.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Adding and removing 'Map Element'.
Modifying 'Additional Details' for the Map Element..
Dashboard Menu and Groups
Creating groups and adding dashboards to the group.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Default Dashboard
Defines which Dashboard is to be used as the Default Dashboard.
Browser refresh
Field Types
Newly added Lookups can be used in Component Management immediately after save.
Lookup Items - Add/Edit/ Lookup Items
Modifications to Lookup Items will be available in the Web Application within 30 to 60 seconds after saving the changes.
For more details refer to the following sections in the Online Help: Add Lookup List Items.
- this does NOT apply for Parent/Child Lookup fields. Please see below.
- in Roam, the Lookup Items will be updated with either the next full or delta download.
Creating a new or modifying existing matrices.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Component Filters
Create - Once added, component filters can immediately be applied to Forms fields, Views, and BI Report Parameters.
Add - Adding a Component Filter to Forms and List Views.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Edit: - Changes to the content of a filter will be available immediately after saving.
Lookup Filters
Create - Once added, Lookup filters can immediately be applied to Form Fields.
Add - Adding a Lookup Filter to Forms.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Edit - Changes to the content of a filter will be available immediately after saving.
Before deleting any Component Filter or Lookup Filter it must be detached from anywhere it is being used. The system will prevent you removing a filter that is in use.
Forms and Views
Forms and List Views
Creating and modifying Forms and List views.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Menu Designer
Adding and changing items in the Workspaces Menu.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Reminder List Groups
Creating and modifying Reminder List Groups and adding list views to the groups.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Tree Views
Creating new Tree Views and adding to the Workspaces menu.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Adding a filter to a Tree View or changing the content of a filter.
Data Import
Allows user to define Imports which are performed via the Web Application.
Note: To run the import, use the Import Trigger.
Lookup Import
Imported Data will be available immediately after import has finished.
Export Localisation
Exports information ready for translation. New or updated Forms and List views are available immediately for download.
New fields added to a component require a Publish and Tomcat restart.
Import Localisation
Import only of data. Anything that can be translated via the designer is reflected immediately.
List Views, Calendars, Dashboards and System Resources require a Publish and Tomcat restart after the import has finished.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Maintain Languages
Adding a language and selecting it in Admin Localities.
To be able to translate any part of the application into a new language it needs a publish and restart after adding the language.
Publish and Tomcat restart
Reports and Graphs
BI Report Parameters
API Keys
For use by external systems calling the Evotix 360 Rest API.
Changing security on components will take effect after security has been reloaded by the system. This happens as a background task and takes 1-2 minutes after saving changes. The users assigned to the roles that have changed need to log out and log back in again.
Immediate (1-2 minute delay)
External API Tokens
For use in Data Imports and Rest Callouts when calling external APIs that require an OAuth-style flow.
User can Add or Remove Roles to Policies, to become effective in the Web Application.