Adding Images to a Dashboard: the Image Widget



The steps below are made under the assumption that:

  • The items for the Dashboard have already been created, and the Designer knows the names of the files which are produced.

I want to define an Image Widget

The Properties for the Image Widget are:

Dashboard Designer - Image Widget_Properties

Image Widget Properties

For the task of ...

I need to ...

Defining the Title for this Widget

Update the Title

Adding a Description of this Widget

Update the Field Description

Applying a specific style to the widget

The field CSS Class can be used by Designers to apply a specific CSS class to the widget, enhancing the ability for Designers to individually style widgets.

Defining WHICH file shall be used for this particular Dashboard image.

Update the Field Image File Name and Path within the SAI360 folder.
E.g.: custom/images/supervisorDashboard.png

The Image File Name is Case Sensitive

Adding a Link to an Image.

This means, when a user clicks on the Image, the web application will take the user to the Link Location

Select the Link Type, and then add the required information.

The options for clicking on an Image are:



Select Link Type

And then

Create a New Record

Add New

Select the Component for which you want to create a New Record.

Run a BI Report

BI Report

Select the BI Report

Go to another Dashboard


Select the Dashboard the system will navigate to.

A Document which is stored on your network


Enter the URL Link to the File, for example:


Go to a particular List View


Select the List View which the system shall access.

Internet Site


Enter the URL to the target site, for example:


Controlling the size of the image on the Dashboard

Choose the Image Size from one of these Options:

  • Auto: resizes the image, for an optimal fit for the current cell
  • Original: leaves the image in it's original size
  • Custom-pixels: user can manually size the image, by determining the Height and the Width in pixels.
  • Custom-percent: user can define how many percent of the WIDTH of the target cell the image shall use.
    Please note that, while you can define a value for the HEIGHT, most browsers will ignore the setting for the height. Instead, the system will set the Width as defined, while automatically adjusting the height maintaining the aspect ratio of the image.

Showing an image without the border panel and a title

Select the Other options: Hide outside border panel.