Introduction to Regulatory Content

Much of what businesses do in the EHS & Sustainability space relates to compliance with regulations.

This module provides customers with a central repository of Regulations, regularly and automatically imported from RegScan by Enhesa, so that they have easy visibility of their regulatory requirements.

These Regulations can be linked into other Modules, such as Obligations, Risks, Audits, or any other processes as required by a client.


Regulatory Content is a licensed module that needs to be activated to be visible from the Workspace Menu. Please contact your SAI360 representative if interested to learn more.


Currently, the web application only supports a single provider for subscription to regulatory documentation: RegScan by Enhesa

It is planned to add additional providers in the future.

This module is a fixed module, where there is a set of core fields, forms, list views and security that cannot be modified. In order to facilitate this, page configuration is locked down on all Forms - meaning no new fields can be added or removed and identified with a lock symbol.

In addition, all the content will be read-only, as the information is provided by an external source.

Documents included in this Module

All documents in this module are sourced from RegScan by Enhesa (

The documents used in this module are:

  • Regulatory References

    All References have information for quick identification, for example Categories, References, Geographic Codes, Title, Description, and Document Links.

    Depending on the type of the Regulatory Reference, the system will display the following details.

    • Type = Regulation

      - A list of related Citations

    • Type = Citation

      - A link to the Parent Regulation

      - A list of related Requirements

    During the import, the system will dynamically create a Questionnaire Template for each Reference, which can be 'embedded' in the Regulation via Analytics Rules.
    (Note: these Questionnaire Templates cannot be used outside this module.)

  • Regulatory Requirements

    These records contain the details about each Requirement, as well as links to any

    - Related Citations (see above)

    - External References

  • Geography Codes

    As References are linked to Geographic Codes, this Module also imports and maintains a list of these as referential data.

See Also

Regulatory Content Module

Regulatory Content - Administration