Regulatory Content from RegScan (Enhesa)
The regulatory content RegScan (Enhesa) has the below components deployed.
- Regulatory References
All References have information for quick identification, for example Categories, References, Geographic Codes, Title, Description, and Document Links.
Depending on the type of the Regulatory Reference, the system will display the following details.
- Type = Regulation
- A list of related Citations
- Type = Citation
- A link to the Parent Regulation
- A list of related Requirements
During the import, the system will dynamically create a Questionnaire Template for each Reference, which can be 'embedded' in the Regulation via Analytics Rules. (Note: these Questionnaire Templates cannot be used outside this module.)
- Regulatory Requirements
These records contain the details about each Requirement, as well as links to any
- Related Citations (see above)
- External References
- Geography Codes
As References are linked to Geographic Codes, this Module also imports and maintains a list of these as referential data.
Once the license for the subscription has been obtained and the feature flag has been activated within the application, the following setup needs to be undertaken to start receiving the feed.
In Global Settings
These settings are required to be able to connect to the feed.
- Navigate to Admin Global Settings, and find the tab Regulatory Content.
- Enter the details for Feed, Licence, Profile and UserID, as provided as part of your subscription.
In Designer Events
These settings will determine at which time the web application will contact the provider, and download the latest documents.
Overview of RegScan by Enhesa Data Import System Event Form
The name for the Event
Event Type
Needs be set to "RegScan - Data Import". On Save, this field becomes read-only.
Run Time (HH:MM) - if set, event will run daily at this time
A Run Time has to be set for the event to fire once a day at the defined time.
You must enter the time in 24 hour format.
NOTE: Tomcat service must be up and running at the specified time for the event to be triggered. If for some reason, Tomcat service is down at the defined time, the event will be missed and triggered again the next day.
To Address
You need to provide a hard-coded email address.
If there are any issues with the import, the system will send an email to this address.
Mark Feed as Unread (Please contact Customer Support representative before ticking the checkbox)
Only the initial load after subscribing to the service will download ALL the required records. After this, the system will only download MODIFIED regulatory records.
However, should it become necessary that a full download needs to be triggered, you can tick this box. At the next scheduled time, the system will then download the full dataset, and at the same time clear this flag again, so that subsequent downloads will only request the 'delta'.
To make sure that this process is handled correctly, contact your Evotix representative before you check this flag.
Access to Regulatory Content through the Web Application
As the information is provided by an external source, all users will have READ-ONLY access to the regulatory content.
- To grant access, you need to assign the following role: Policy Role - Regulations