Suggestion Assistant


The AI Suggestion Assistant is the first feature from EvotixAI, our Artificial Intelligence and Language Processing platform. The Suggestion Assistant is designed to provide live suggestions to frontline workers and decision-makers at all levels of your organization across any EHS&S process.

Leveraging OpenAI Enterprise, it offers tailored suggestions to users based on data from the record they are working on.

What sets our AI Suggestion Assistant apart is its full configurability. Your organization has complete control over the suggestions - they can be included in any module, and you can define what suggestions are made, at what point in which workflows, to which types of users, and under which conditions. You have full control over where, when and how the AI functionality is leveraged, right down to the exact wording of the questions (prompts) sent to OpenAI.



  • Suggestion Prompts is a licensed functionality that needs to be purchased before it can be used. Please contact your Evotix representative if interested to learn more.
  • It is only supported in the Web Application.
  • You need a valid OpenAI API Key entered into Global Settings

You will need Policy Role - Suggestion Assistant security role to be able to configure/setup Suggestion Prompts and also System Administrator roles for form designer access.

There are two types of Suggestion Assistant you can configure:

  1. The "basic" Suggestion Assistant takes data from a record and asks the OpenAI GPT model a question about the record data.

    In this case, OpenAI will make suggestions based on its general knowledge.

    For example, suggesting a greener alternative to a chemical you’re reviewing in your Chemical Register.

  2. The "RAG" (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Suggestion Assistant takes data from a record and a predefined dataset from your Evotix system (known as an AI Reference Dataset) and asks the OpenAI GPT model a question about the record data and how it relates to the predefined dataset.

    In this case, OpenAI will make suggestions based on the data from the AI Reference Dataset.

    For example, suggesting Actions to take following an Incident, based on similar historic Incidents and the Actions that were taken in those cases.



RAG Suggestion Assistants may make suggestions based on historic records that a user may not have permission to view.

In This Section

Configuring the Fields

Configuring an AI Reference Dataset

Configuring a Suggestion Prompt

Configuring a Suggestion Assistant on a Form

How it works

See Also

Artificial Intelligence