Log Files

All imports create a log file with information on the processed records.

All log files are stored in the 'logs' folder which is created under the folder defined during the Import Configuration.

The names of all log files are prefixed with the name given to the import in the Import Configuration.

Depending on the regularity of polling intervals, the logs folders could become quite large. We recommend that you archive these logs regularly.

There are three types of log file:

If log files are deleted or moved from the location specified in the configuration of the import, they will not be accessible via the Imports Dashboard. i.e. the location of the log files must match wait is specified in the configuration to be accessible in the Imports Dashboard.

In This Section

Info Log

Detail Log

Reject Log

See Also

Importing Data

Importing Data: Overview

Importing Users, Attachments and Lookups

Configuring an Import

Initiating an Import

Example: Importing into the File Storage Component (Attachments)