Example: Derived Matrix

In this example, you will create a Risk Score matrix that will use an existing matrix - 'Probability/Exposure' - and 'Possible Consequences' as the areas that will be mapped to give a Risk Score result.

  1. In the Web Application, select Designer Menu path separator Field Types Menu path separator Matrix from the menu. Existing matrices list in alphabetical order.
  2. Click New
  3. In the Name field, type the title of the new matrix - Risk Score - then you can optionally enter a Description.
  4. Tick the box for Is the columns the result of another matrix (derived axis)?
  5. Save the record. Saving is necessary to show the following tabs.
  6. Move to the tab Derived Matrix Definition
  7. Click to select the matrix Probability/Exposure as the Derived Matrix Results Axis.
  8. Move to the tab Row Axis Definition
  9. In the Name field, type the title of the column - Possible Consequences.
  10. Add the following values to the row: Insignificant, Minor, Serious, Disastrous, Catastrophic
  11. Save the record.
  12. Move to the tab Results Definition
  13. In the Name field, type the title of the column - Risk Score.
  14. Add the following values to the row: Very High, High Risk, Moderate, Low, Very Low
  15. Save the record.
  16. Move to the tab Matrix Results
  17. The System displays a list of all possible permutations of Column and Row Values, in this example 25. You will notice that the Column Values for this derived matrix reflect the Results of the Matrix Probability/Exposure.
  18. Enter Results according to this matrix
    Derived matrix example - table 4
  19. Save the record.

See Also

Matrices: Overview

Add a Matrix

Edit a Matrix

Delete a Matrix

Example: Simple 2-dimensional Matrix