Importing Metrics Input Data

Metrics Input data can be imported manually.

Downloading an Import Template

To assist with the import process, users can download an Import Template from the Outstanding Data Portal via Wrench Icon Menu path separator Download Import Templates. The web application will generate a file named metricResultsImport.csv.

This CSV file will

  • be generated in the correct structure which is required for the Import (details below)
  • contain all the outstanding records as displayed on the screen. I.e. users can reduce the list by applying a filter.
  • exclude all Calculated Metrics (metrics which are being calculated by the system, using information in the database)

The structure of the CSV file will be as follows - in this order:

  • Location
  • Time Period
  • Metric
  • Value
  • Value Unit
  • Actual/Estimate

Information in this CSV file needs to be provided as follows:

  • Value: you must provide a value with the correct input type:
    • Integer
    • Decimal
    • Text
    • Yes/No
  • Value Unit: you can change the Unit as long as the new unit can be converted to the original unit (e.g. kGh Menu path separator GWh)
  • All other entries, including the header line, must remain unchanged.
  • If the CSV file contains any invalid entries, the corresponding records will be rejected.

Importing Data

To import Wrench Icon Menu path separator Import Data.

Select the file CSV file which contains the required information, and upload it by selecting the OK button.

Once the import has finished, the system will report:

  • Successfully imported <x> out of <y> values.

If the import detected invalid records, the message will also say "A summary email has been sent with details of import errors".
Should this be the case, check your email, address the errors and then import the corrected values again.

See Also

Metrics Data Management

Sustainability Questionnaire

Administrative Data Entry Portal

Reviewing Metrics Data for Approval or Rejection

View Completed Metrics Data