Metrics Data Management

SAI360’s Metrics Management Module has an engine to drive the collection of metric data from all specified users, based on the metric’s defined frequency of collection, and provides a data entry portal to streamline the data entry process.

The Questionnaire View provides a streamlined data entry portal for end users to manage their own data entry requirements across any active campaigns. The Questionnaire View gives users immediate feedback on their progress through their personal data entry requirements.

The Administrative Data Entry Portal provides a filterable list of metric data that is due to be entered into the system, and a view of all previously entered data. It provides a space for administrators to view the outstanding data entry requirements for all users across all campaigns.


Users who inherit the security role 'Policy Role - Sustainability - Basic' are identified as Basic Users.

Entering Metrics Management Data

Data can be entered for Metrics in three ways

  • Manually via the Sustainability Questionnaire.
  • Manually via the Outstanding Data Entry portal with personalized data entry tiles for fast data entry.
  • Importing from a CSV file.

In This Section

Sustainability Questionnaire

Administrative Data Entry Portal

Importing Metrics Input Data

Reviewing Metrics Data for Approval or Rejection

View Completed Metrics Data

See Also

Metrics Module

Introduction to Metrics Management

Metrics Administration