Setting up the SDS Integration

The SDS Integration with the Chemical Management module requires mapping configuration to ensure the system knows where to store the data from SDS Manager into your Evotix 360 application.

Note: This configuration setup requires access to the designer tools and is written with the assumption that the Administrator/Designer has previous experience in configuring forms fields and relationships within the application.

Step 1: Field/Relationship Creation

The fields listed below are the full scope of content that the SDS Manager provides. You can choose to create all of them or only those that are deemed necessary.

Field Name



The below fields are to be created in the 'Chemical Register' component

SDS Lookup

Text - 1000 characters



Text - 255



Text - 255


Product Name

Text - 255



Text - 255


Manufacturer/Supplier Address

Text - 255


Chemical Formula

Text - 255



Text - 255


Emergency Phone Number

Text - 255


CAS Number

Text - 255


European Community Number

Text - 255


REACH Regulation Number

Text - 255


SDS Number

Text - 255


Trade Name

Text - 255


Product Code

Text - 255


Alternative Names

Text - 255


Used For

Text - 4000


GHS Pictograms

Text - 4000


PPE Icons

Text - 4000


ISO Icons

Text - 4000


SDS Revision Date



SDS Issue Date



Signal Word

Single-select lookup field

Lookup values:

Warning, Danger

Health Risk

Single-select lookup field

Lookup values:


Environmental Risk

Single-select lookup field

Safety Risk

Single-select lookup field

Hazard Statements

Multi-select lookup field

It is required to just create an empty lookup list for each of these lookup fields and system will automatically populate the values when it retrieves the data from the SDS Manager.

EU Hazard Statements

Multi-select lookup field

Precautionary Statements

Multi-select lookup field

Safety Data Sheet

Simple lookup

Cardinality: 1 to 1

[Delete record(s) when CM - Chemical Register record(s) are deleted?] must be set to Yes

{sys} Record Updated

Text - Memo


Section 3 - Composition/information on ingredients {raw}

Text - Memo


Section 14 - Transport information {raw}

Text - Memo


Chemical Component Subform

Section 3 - Composition/Information on ingredients

Relationship to Chemical Component

  • Chemical Component is a new component that is required to store the basic details of components information.
  • Cardinality from Chemical Component to Chemical Register: 1-Many
    1 Chemical Component record can have 1 Chemical Register records
    1 Chemical Register record can have many Chemical Component records

The below fields are to be created in the 'Chemical Component' component

Component Name

Text - 255



Text - 100


EC #

Text - 100



Text - 100



Text - 100


Other Section Subforms

Section 2 - Hazard identification

Relationship to SDS Section

  • SDS Section is a new component that stores the information from the SDS for each of the sections
  • You will need to setup 14 relationships from Chemical Register component to SDS Section component
  • Cardinality from SDS Section to Chemical Register:
    1 SDS Section record can have 1 Chemical Register records
    1 Chemical Register record can have many SDS Section records
  • Delete SDS Section records when Chemical Register records are deleted

Section 4 - First-aid measures

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 5 - Fire-fighting measures

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 6 - Accidental release measures

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 7 - Handling and storage

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 8 - Exposure controls/personal protection

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 9 - Physical and chemical properties

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 10 - Stability and reactivity

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 11 - Toxicological information

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 12 - Ecological information

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 13 - Disposal consideration

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 14 - Transport information

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 15 - Regulatory information

Relationship to SDS Section


Section 16 - Other Information

Relationship to SDS Section


The below fields are to be created in the 'SDS Section' component


Text - 512



Text - Memo



Text - 255



Text - 512

Must be a hidden field on the form

No Data Available

Simple lookup


Must be a hidden field on the form

Step 2: Form Configuration and Mapping

  1. Create the Chemical Components form
  2. Create the SDS Section Details form
    and the SDS Sections SubForm List View list view
  3. Create the SDS Section Details Transport form
    and the SDS Sections SubForm List View Transport list view
  4. Open the root form (typically Chemical Register) form in the Form Designer
  5. Add the Chemical Components form as a subform
    using the "Section 3 - Composition/information on ingredients" relationship
  6. Add the SDS Section Details Transport form as a subform
    using the "Section 14 - Transport information" relationship
  7. Add the SDS Section Details form as a subform, for all "Section" relationships except for Section 3 and Section 14
  8. To display the GHS Pictograms in the form, drag the [System Image – Dynamic] form element into the canvas. In the widget properties, specify a field label, max height in pixels (recommended height is 85) and select the [GHS Pictograms] in the System Image File Names to Display.
    Drag the [GHS Pictograms] field to the Hidden Fields in the canvass that will allow the images to be displayed in Roam.
  9. [Section 3 - Composition/information on ingredients {raw}] and [Section 14 - Transport information {raw}] fields are to be setup as read only HTML field type in the form.
  10. Drag and drop all the relevant fields setup in the previous section, onto the Chemical Register form canvas.
  11. Click on Form Elements and drag the [SDS Lookup] widget into the canvas and drop it in an empty cell.
  12. Click on the Chemical Register link to display all the fields from the component, drag the [SDS Lookup] field and place it on the [SDS Lookup] widget.
  13. Click on the spanner on the [SDS Lookup] widget to load the field properties. Click on ‘Field Mapping Configuration’ link that will render a window that will map the fields created (above) to the content from SDS Manager.
  14. If the field names are created as defined above, the system will automatically do the mapping.
  15. Click OK and Update once you are happy with the setup.

    (Please refer to the sandpit or salesdemo environments to view the updated Chemical Register form. If you do not have access, contact your Evotix representative to arrange for access)

  16. Save the form changes.
  17. Publish and restart the application server to view the updated changes.

See Also

SDS Manager Integration

Using the SDS Lookup

System Event Refresh SDS Information