SDS Manager Integration

Businesses that manage chemicals on-site are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) to ensure compliance and protect employee safety.

Evotix 360 seamlessly integrates with SDS Manager allowing direct access to a comprehensive SDS library covering 150,000 suppliers and millions of datasheets that users can easily search, retrieve and manage all within the Evotix 360 application.

All SDS are fully "indexed", meaning that when an SDS is selected and downloaded, the contents of the SDS are also downloaded and stored in fields for easy searching, sorting, reporting or driving workflows from the contents of the SDS.



Access to SDS Manager requires

  • An Evotix 360 license for the Chemical Management module
  • An activation procedure to be able to use SDS Lookup
  • Client to be hosted by Evotix 360 (On-prem installations are not supported)

Please contact your Evotixrepresentative if interested to learn more.

In This Section

Setting up the SDS Integration

Using the SDS Lookup

System Event Refresh SDS Information

See Also

SDS Manager