Audit Logs: Overview

Designers can customize the user activities they wish to track, including specifying the activities they're interested in monitoring, and the level of detail for that monitoring. Such customization helps performance and makes the audit trail more manageable. Users can view the audit log for a particular record if they have permission to do so; this log is accessed from a toolbar button in the open record.


  • Audit trail is enabled
  • Designer has permission to access the audit trail setup

Auditable activities include:

  • View a view
  • View, add, update, or delete a record
  • View or update a section
  • Update a field
  • Run a BI Report (as long as it has BI Parameters configured)
  • Trigger a system action (e.g. Email)
  • Log in and log out

To access the Audit Log Administrator functions

From the menu, select Admin Menu path separator Audit Log Menu path separator Audit Log Admin or Log Entries.

The Audit Log Admin option allows you to configure the Browser Events settings.

The Log Entries option allows you to view:

  • Detailed Events
  • Events by Process
  • Events by Record
  • Events by User
  • Sessions by User

When you access these areas, a List View displays.

Controlling Access to Audit Logs

Controlling Access to Audit Logs in the Admin Menu

The access to view and search the Audit Logs (Admin Menu path separator Audit Log Menu path separator Log Entries) is granted by the Policy Role - View Audit Logs.

Refer to the section Set Use Permissions for Policies for details on how to setup policy permissions.

Controlling Access to Audit Log button in a Business Process Form

The Audit Log button on the toolbar for a Business Process record gives a user access to view all audit log entries for that record.

Access to the view the Audit Log records using this button can be controlled by setting Component Use Permissions on the Audit Log component.

Refer to the section Set Use Permissions for Components for details on how to setup component security.

See Also

Admin Menu

Global Settings

HTML Libraries


Locality Settings

Monitor the System

Procedural Walkthroughs

Profiles and Localities



Terms of Use


User Defined Filters and Views
