System Files

'System Files' store images that can be displayed in Forms throughout Evotix 360. The images will be shown in both the Web Application and Roam.

To add a System File to a form you need to define:

  • Name - 255 character limit which must be unique
  • Purpose - 255 character limit
  • File Attachment field "File" - You can only attach one image.

These files are referenced in the System Image - Embedded and System Image - Dynamic form field widgets to display images in a form.

Once you have added a [System Image - Embedded] to a form and selected the image to be displayed, you cannot delete the image from System Files. To remove the System File you will first need to [System Image - Embedded] form field that references it



You can only perform this function if you have:

  • Policy Role - Maintain Forms

Please refer to the Field Types section for more information.

See Also

Admin Menu

Audit Logs: Overview

Global Settings

HTML Libraries


Locality Settings

Monitor the System

Procedural Walkthroughs

Profiles and Localities



Terms of Use


User Defined Filters and Views
