Edit a User



Any changes to a User will only apply once a user is logging back into the Web Application.

It will not take effect in currently active user sessions.

To edit a user

  1. From the menu, select Admin Menu path separator Security Menu path separator Security Users. The default view of users is displayed.
  2. Locate the user's record.
  3. Double-click on the record's summary row to view and edit its details.

    Alternative method: Click on the record to select it, then click Edit.

  4. Modify the user's properties, as required.
  5. Optional steps:
  6. Click SAVE to save the changes.

See Also

User and Role Management

About the Default User and the Default Role

About User Authentication

Flow for Login and Logout

Add a Role

Add a User

Delete a User

Assign a User to a Role

Remove a User from a Role

Viewing Roles and Permissions

User Import