Add a User

To add a user

  1. From the menu, select Admin Menu path separator Security Menu path separator Security Users. The list of existing users is displayed.
  2. Click New. The User Admin page is displayed.
  3. Complete all user properties, as required.
  4. Optional steps: Assign user to a role.

    If you do not assign a user to a role, they will be assigned to the 'default role' automatically.

  5. Click Save to save this user's details.
  6. Click Close to close the form and return to the Security Users list view.

In This Section

User Properties

See Also

User and Role Management

About the Default User and the Default Role

About User Authentication

Flow for Login and Logout

Add a Role

Edit a User

Delete a User

Assign a User to a Role

Remove a User from a Role

Viewing Roles and Permissions

User Import