Assign a User to a Role
Any changes to a User will only apply once a user is logging back into the Web Application.
It will not take effect in currently active user sessions.
Any type of user (authenticated or non-authenticated) can be assigned to a role. If a user is not explicitly assigned to any role by the administrator, they will be assigned to the default role.
As soon as a user is assigned to a particular role, that role's permissions are added to the user's total set of permissions.
To assign a user to a role
- From the menu, select Admin Security Users. The list of users is displayed.
- Locate the user's record in the list and open it.
- Double-click on a user's summary row to view and edit its details.
Alternative method: Click on the user's row to select its checkbox, then click Edit.
- Go to the User Admin section.
- Click next to the Roles table. A selection list of all roles in the system is displayed.
- Select the checkboxes of one or more roles you want to assign this user to.
- Click OK. The selection list closes and the roles you assigned are listed in the table.
- Click SAVE to save this user's details.
- Click CLOSE to close the form and return to the Security Users list view.