Edit a Lookup List

To edit a lookup list

  1. In the Web Application, select Designer Menu path separator Field Types Menu path separator Lookups from the menu. Existing Lookups will be listed in alphabetical order.
  2. Locate the lookup by filtering the list by name.
    Double-click on the row containing the lookup to view and edit its details.
    Alternative method: Click on the lookup to select it, then click Edit.
  3. To change the details, follow the information in the topic: Add a lookup list.
    Note: Changing the Lookup's name does not affect the list - it is referenced in the database by its unique ID.
  4. To maintain the lookup items, follow the information in the topics Add/Edit/Delete Lookup List Items
  5. Click Save to save the changes.
  6. The system will automatically publish these changes - please allow for up to 1 minute for this process to finish.

See Also


What is a Lookup?

Add a Lookup List

Delete a Lookup List

Add/Edit/Delete Lookup List Items

Translate Lookup Items

Sort Items in a Lookup List

Add a Filter to a Lookup List