Translate Lookup Items



Before translating lookup items, the database must already have been internationalized.

To translate lookup items

  1. In the Web Application, select Designer Menu path separator Field Types Menu path separator Lookups from the menu.
  2. Open the Lookup List to be translated.
  3. Click on the Translate button. This will open a new interface.
  4. On top of the right column, select the Target Language.
  5. For each lookup item, enter the translation.
  6. Repeat the process for each of the target languages.
  7. Once done, click OK.
  8. There is no need to publish - the translations will be available in the web application almost instantaneously.

Lookup items can also be translated through the Export Localisation process

See Also


What is a Lookup?

Add a Lookup List

Edit a Lookup List

Delete a Lookup List

Add/Edit/Delete Lookup List Items

Sort Items in a Lookup List

Add a Filter to a Lookup List