Conditional Keyword Configuration - Using Condition Builder


To directly evaluate a single field to determine a keyword, please see here.

With Conditional Keyword Configuration, Designers can create dynamic rules which control the list of Questionnaires being displayed for selection.

These rules are "dynamic" since it is possible to evaluate the content of a field, and then display the corresponding Questionnaires.

A few examples could be

Field on which Condition is applied

Conditional Keyword

Gap Analysis per Standard

Only display Questionnaires which relate to the selected Standard

Audit Title

Check for certain Keywords in the Audit Title, and only display the Questionnaires which match the Keyword.

Configuration of Conditional Keywords


The implementation of conditional Keywords will require some manual configuration. Please contact Customer Support if you require further information.

To configure a Conditional Keyword, follow these steps.

  1. Create the Form which will include the Questionnaire Field.
  2. In the Form Designer, identify the form field whose content will be used as the "source" for the condition, and write down the Field ElementId.
    This ID can be retrieved from the Field Properties of this field.
  3. Edit the Properties of the Questionnaire Field, and select Conditional Keyword Configuration
  4. Create the Condition as per usual, for example:
    Type of Permit = Hot Work
  5. Once you OK the condition, the system will display the Condition as XML code.
    In the above example, this would be.
    <Condition lhs="bms_9999999_10788" op="EQ" rhs="9999999_2624" type="i18n"/>
  6. In the next step, you will need to replace the BMS_ID on the lhs with the Field ElementID you identified in the 2nd step above. The generic format for the lhs is:
  7. For our example, this would be:
    <Condition lhs=".FORMFIELD_AFBWkBchHNsuMAjWVMlByFwY" op="EQ" rhs="9999999_2624" type="i18n"/>
  8. You can also drill down into relationships, for example:
    Auditor Employment Type = Employee.
    This would translate to:
    <Condition lhs=".FORMFIELD_ABiLF4NhMzM4ODU4NjI1OTE0.bms_9999999_9195" op="EQ" rhs="9999999_100" type="i18n"/>
  9. You may also have to adjust the type for the condition to work correctly.
    Use the type of
    • attrib for String/Text; Auto Numbers; any Relationships
    • date for Date; Time
    • i18n for Single Lookup; Multi Lookup; Matrices
  10. You can Add Conditional Keywords, or remove those you no longer need.
  11. Select OK and Save your changes
  12. Perform a Publish, and restart Tomcat


  • The use of .FORMFIELD on the lhs of a condition is currently tightly bound to the above context - i.e. at the moment you won't be able to use it anywhere else.

See Also

Field Properties

Conditional Keyword Configuration - direct from a Field

Map Fields