Conditional Keyword Configuration - direct from a Field

With direct from Field Keyword Configuration, Designers can nominate a Lookup, Component Lookup or Text field, the content of which will control the list of Questionnaires/Walkthroughs being displayed for selection.

These rules are "dynamic" since Questionnaire/Walkthrough will become available for selection, based on the contents of a field on the form, which can be changed at any time

Configuration of Conditional Keywords - direct from a Field


To build a more complex condition, follow the steps described here.

To configure a Conditional Keyword directly from a field, follow these steps.

  1. Create the Form which will include the Questionnaire Field.
  2. Edit the Properties of the Questionnaire Field, and select "Keyword (Field)"
  3. From the list of Lookups, Component Lookups and Text fields which are contained on the current form, select the required field.
  4. Select OK and Save your changes
  5. Perform a Publish, and Restart Tomcat

How field Values are evaluated

The text retrieved from the selected field will be split by commas, and then matched against the keyword.

Following are a range of examples:

Field Type


Would match Keyword(s)


Performing a Walkthrough Audit

  • Performing a Walkthrough Audit



  • Internal


Intracranial injury, including concussion

  • Intracranial injury
  • including concussion

Component Lookup

BX 2000, Boiler, Production

  • BX 2000
  • Boiler
  • Production



  • Lookup values and Component Lookups, where the Component Lookup list view contains a Lookup, can be subject to internationalization, which may cause unexpected results.

    If a Walkthrough template has a keyword of "Internal" and is setup to match keywords from a Lookup field, the filtering will work for English users whose lookup values are rendered as "Internal", but will not work for a French user whose lookup value renders as "Interne".
  • Referring to hierarchical Component Lookups for keywords will treat the entire visible path as the text to match
    E.g. when "Perth" is selected as the Location, then only templates with the keyword "Global / Australia / WA / Perth" will be returned.

See Also

Field Properties

Conditional Keyword Configuration - Using Condition Builder

Map Fields