Settings and Admin

All Settings, and administrative Functions, can be accessed via the "Hamburger" Menu:

Roam - Hamburger Menu



My History

Shows history of the following:

  • Records which have been uploaded
  • Records waiting to be uploaded

System Logs

The Roam app logs information about

  • Uploading records
  • Updating forms and data
  • Issues the app may encounter

To troubleshoot any issue Roam might have, you can select "Send Logs" to any email address so that it can be passed on to the SAI360 Service Desk for further evaluation.

Update Forms & Data

Selecting "Update Forms & Data" from the menu will clear all forms and data from Roam and re-download it all from scratch.

In normal operation, this option should never need to be used, as Forms and Data data is kept up to date automatically through daily background delta downloads of new and updated data.

Users may occasionally be requested to use it by a system administrator during troubleshooting or to recover from an error.

Change Server

This is only required if the Roam device needs to be pointed to a different Server, or URL.

NOTE 1: changing the Server will delete ALL data and records on the device!

NOTE 2: this option may not be available if your device is managed by your business.


To perform a logout for the current user.


NOTE: logging out of Roam will delete ALL data and records on the device!


Lists details for the following:

  • Username of the current User
  • Server address Roam is connected to
  • Roam Version
  • Date when Forms and Data where last updated

Privacy Policy

Link to SAI360's privacy policy (network access required)

See Also

Navigation in Roam


My Tasks

New Tasks



Location Aware