
Campaigns drive the Metrics Management data collection process. It is here where you define

  • What Metrics need to be collected,
  • Across which locations,
  • When it needs to start collecting & duration and
  • Who is the responsible person

To define Campaigns, navigate to ...Metrics Management Menu path separator Administration Menu path separator Campaigns.

Page 1: Campaign



Campaign Owner

Select the Person who is in charge overall for any given Campaign.

The person responsible for data collection will be defined as part of the Metrics Data Collection Setup.


Define the Campaign Name, the purpose of the data collection.


Optional: specify more details for this Campaign.

Start Date
End Date

You must define the Start Date of the Campaign.

End Date is optional - if left empty the Campaign will be actively collecting data, until an End Date is provided and the date has been reached.

Metrics Data Collection Setup

Here you define the Metric(s), Location(s) and the Responsible Person, who will be responsible for collecting the specified Data.

  • Metrics *: the data to be collected for the campaign.
  • Locations *: all the Locations for which the specified Metrics will be collected, by the specified person.
  • Responsible Person *: the Person responsible for providing the data for the specified Metrics at the specified location. The Responsible Person will receive reminder emails when metric data entry is required.
  • Data Reviewer (optional): the person who is tasked with approving or rejecting Data Entries.
    (To be able to select a Reviewer, the Review Process must be enabled in Global Settings.)

To expedite the setup process, click the "Duplicate" button (bottom right corner) in an existing Metrics Data Collection Setup record and edit the required fields.

Page 2: Data Review and Approval



Date Approved

Date on which the Campaign data was reviewed and approved.

Approved By

Select the Person who approved the Campaign.

Approval Comments

Optional: any Comments about the Campaign.

Campaign Reviewed and Approved?

Select to close the Campaign.

System will validate that the Campaign End Date has been set.

See Also

Metrics Administration

Metric Group


Time Periods

Outstanding Metrics Data Entry Reminder

Metrics Campaign Completed Notification Email

Metrics Calculation

Modified Metrics Results in Review Notification Email

Metrics Targets

Reporting Framework

Security Roles