Data Field Types and Properties

Depending on the selected Data Field Type, the system will display field type specific properties:

Field Property




Used for storing dates

  • Format:
    Examples: dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy

The date format is not required. But a specific format can be forced by specifying it here.

Number - Integer

Used for storing whole numbers which do not contain decimals.


Number - Decimal

Approximate-number data types for use with floating point numeric data. This type of data is approximate; therefore, not all values in the data type range can be represented exactly.



Used for storing characters of small, variable size of no more than

  • 4000 characters for a SQL Database
  • 2000 characters for an ORACLE Database


Use of Auto Number Prefix in the Web Application:
The Prefix defined here will also be used in the Web Application - unless you define a different Prefix in the form where this field is being used.

I.e. for all records which are generated through the Web Application, the Form specific setting will override the setting defined here .

  • Translation Required: to dynamically translated a text field into another language using Google Translate, select this field. In a second step, you will need to select a Destination field.
  • Language Processing Required: if you intend to represent a text field as a "Word Cloud", select this field.
    In a second step, you also need to select a Language Processing destination field.
  • Maximum Size: The total number of characters that are to be stored. This can be a value between 1 and 2000 (Oracle) or 1 and 4000 (SQL).

    IMPORTANT: You can update the field size if so required. The changes will be available after the next Publish.
    But be aware that, if you reduce the field size, existing content may be truncated.
  • Mark as auto number field: Tick this if the field will automatically increment in value. If ticked the following will be an option:

    Auto Number Prefix:
    Use this to specify the pre- and post fix characters for the auto number field.

    Prefix: enter the required Prefix, and the system will append the Prefix with the Auto Number. E.g. 'ACT-'

    Postfix: you can use the '&d' sequence to place the Auto Number in front of a string instead of at the end. E.g. '%d-ACT'
    %d is used to specify the placement of the number.

    Auto Number Key.
    This is the key that will store the next number to be used. The value for this field is system generated and cannot be changed.

Text - Memo

Used for storing characters of large variable size.

Please note that it is not possible to Search in, or Sort Memo Fields in Oracle Databases. (This is a limitation of Oracle, over which we have no influence.)

Search and Sort Memo Fields are only supported in SQL Databases.



Used for referencing a lookup which is a predefined list of items for users to choose from

  • Lookup: Selects from an existing list of lookups defined in the system. See Section … on how to configure lookups.
  • Is Multi Lookup: Allows more than one value to be selected for this field.
  • Is Child Lookup: Makes this lookup a child of another lookup field in the same component. A lookup can only be linked to one parent.


Used for referencing a matrix of 2 or more dimensions.

  • Matrix: Selects from an existing list of matrices defined in the system. See Section … on how to configure matrices.


Used for storing time values


In This Section

Data Field Types and Corresponding MS SQL and ORACLE Data Types

About File Fields

See Also

Component Data Fields

Add a Data Field

Edit a Field

Delete a Field

Add Parent-Child Lookup Fields

Setup automatic Google Translation

Add Natural Language Processing (Word Cloud)

Component Relationships

BI Configuration

Rest API

Location Aware
