Add Parent-Child Lookup Fields

There may be occasions where you want a user to select a lookup from a field, and then have another field display lookup items based on that selection. For example you may want the user to select a country from a lookup list, then select a state from a list of only that country's states. Where one list is dependent on the other (in this case, the list of states is dependent on the country selected), it is known as a parent-child relationship.

Before you can create a parent-child relationship, the lookup lists and their related lookup items must exist. In the example above, you would create a lookup list of countries, with each lookup list item being a different country. You would then create another lookup list, this time for states, with each lookup list item being for a different state. You can include all states from all countries in this single list.

Once you have created the lookup lists and items, you can create the fields that will display the parent-child relationship.

To add a parent lookup field

  1. Select the component and add a new field to it, selecting Lookup as the field type:
  2. Complete details as required.
  3. Click Save.

To add a child lookup field

  1. Add another lookup field to this component, or select an already existing lookup

    Note: The following rule applies to parent-child lookup field types:

    • If the parent is a Lookup, the child can be either a Lookup or a Multi Lookup.
  2. If you created a NEW lookup, you must click Save before the next step
  3. Click on the tab Parent-Child Settings
  4. Click to select the Parent Lookup List. The system will display a list of all lookups which have been defined for the component.
  5. Click Save, and the system will display a subform Child Lookups
  6. To add new Parent-Child combinations, click on Add New Child Lookups
  7. Click on the Parent Lookup Item selection list. The system will display a list of all items in the Parent Lookup.
  8. Click on Child Lookup Values and select all the child values associated with the currently selected parent value.
  9. Repeat the above steps until you have assigned child values to all items of the parent lookup.

See Also

Component Data Fields

Add a Data Field

Data Field Types and Properties

Edit a Field

Delete a Field

Setup automatic Google Translation

Add Natural Language Processing (Word Cloud)

Component Relationships

BI Configuration

Rest API

Location Aware
